Tracy Droz Tragos
Tracy Droz Tragos is a producer and director, known for her 2014 documentary, Rich Hill.


IndieWire Interview: Tribeca: A Director Explains Her Difficult Journey to Make ‘Abortion: Stories Women Tell’

Tracy Droz Tragos is the Emmy and Sundance Award-winning director behind such films as “Rich Hill” and “Be Good, Smile Pretty.” Her new film “Abortion: Stories Women Tell” will air on HBO later this year, but is premiering tonight at the Tribeca Film Festival. Indiewire asked Tragos if she’d be willing to share her experiences taking on this controversial subject and what we got was this very personal essay about the process and struggle of trying to tell the story of what women with unintended pregnancies go through to have an abortion in the U.S.

Read the full article here

Tracy Tragos