Tracy Droz Tragos
Tracy Droz Tragos is a producer and director, known for her 2014 documentary, Rich Hill.


Featured Writing: Tracy Droz Tragos (Rich Hill) Talks Rory Kennedy’s Last Days in Vietnam


Made almost 40 years after the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, this documentary underlines why we must not forget the lessons of that war.

Stories of war need to be told. And it is a moral imperative that filmmakers continue to tell them with whatever means, be they fictional or non-fictional, they have at their disposal. Ultimately it’s the politicians, especially those who have never been in combat, who need to see these films. In my fantasy world, seeing them would be a requirement for any elected official wishing to cast a vote.

Viewing might start with Gallipoli. Then maybe Schindler’s List and The Thin Red Line. And on to The Deer Hunter, followed by Saving Private Ryan and Apocalypse Now. Some RestrepoThe Fog of War and To Hell and Back, not to mention 5 Broken Cameras and The Hurt Locker. I’m just getting started, but you get the idea.

Read the rest of the story on The Talkhouse

Tracy Tragos